Thursday, October 13, 2005

I think we're done!

We're almost there - unbelievable! Erika and I start celebrating with two miles to go! We're not exactly dancing but we are feeling good. Mile 2 was forgettable but Mile 1 was incredible. We started accelerating when we took the first left turn into that little downtown area. There was a small breeze blowing down the street - what a treat that was. I have to wonder exactly why we accelerated - its not like I'm looking to shave 10 seconds off my 15 hour PR. No matter - we're coming home! And this time I ain't turning around. We pick up a few stragglers and everybody is humping up the small incline. The crowd loves us - we love the crowd. Words escape me here because unless you've completed an Ironman can you appreciate coming in at the end. All that training, all that lost family time, all that focus, all that stress - all that everything - just burns away and the only thing left is sweet, simple pure satisfaction. I'm not overly jubilant or ecstatic, I am just incredibly satisfied.

I push Erika in front of me towards the finish line to maximize her photo op. I act the fool and high five everybody. I see other Ironman crossing the line with their families. I would kill to bring my kids with me and share that time with them. I cross the line as they butcher my name and I feel a form of divine weariness settle over me. Thank God I made it and thank you God for giving me the strengh! This race was really hard for me and it took me to the limit phsyically and mentally. I'm so proud I could bust. I'm enjoying this time immensely. I know that later I'll pick the race apart and find everything I did wrong. Not now - I'm digging life right now.

I get my medal and photos

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